643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion 

"1st to the Rhine River, 1st over the Elbe River"



Activated 15 December 1941

Camp Blanding, Florida


Deactivated 17 November 1945

Camp San Luis Obispo, California


Soldiers Database Story Tank Destroyers Fallen Soldiers Barby Kapellen Baraque de Fraiture 643rd Museum


Personal Soldiers Webpages categorized by Company

HQ - Company

Alexander Burgin
Burlle Farr
Charles Krayeski
David Nadelberg
Edward Monnens
Fred Haer
George Fornwalt
Henry Christmann
Howard Kresge
Ira Gaulke
Ira Skelton
Jacob Degroot
James Garvin
Joseph Polashenski
Julius Souza
Marion Cooper
Michael Postiglione
Milton Partridge
Preston E. Conklin
Robert Jessen
Robert Lee
Royal Little
Theodore Stone
Zeno Drumm




A - Company

Andrew Rymer
Anthony De Foster
Benny Ashbaugh
Charles Nini
Clarence Copeland
Dominic Cataldo
Edgar Kreft
Edward Bobinski
Emile Perreault
Francis Cunningham
Frank Martinelli
George Manos
Henric Segers
Henry L. Gendron
Jack D. Hilliard
James Dodd
John Bertch
John Clanton
Joseph Giordano
Joseph Latourelle
Lester Hochheimer
Lester R. King
Louis Boasso
Ralph Carl
Robert Apple
Ronald Wright
Rosario Cocozza
Thomas LeVangie
Thomas Teetor
Thomas Ward
Timothy Olivo
Virgil Dragomani
Vista West
Willard Brill
William Fahey
Wilson Carpenter

B - Company

Alfred Baillargeon
Angelo Giunti
Anthony Scerbo
Bernard Haas
Bryce Horton
Carl Brousseau
Charles Piombino
Daniel McBride
Donat Beaudoin
Ferd White
George Lyall
George Matolyak
George Morrison
Jack Meyer
James Foster
James Rhodeos
John Julock
John Malinosky
John Roddy
Joseph Lorenti
Lawrence Killion
Lonnie Lowrimore
Michael Melnyk
Nathan Gagnon
Ralph Vizza
Richard Weikel
Robert Doolittle
Robert Lucas
Salvatore Fuca
Samuel Vavala
Theodore Evangelista
Victor Fogelquist
Wallace Kotyk
Wil. Mombourquette
Wiley Aides
William Stowers

C - Company

Alexander Gadomski
Alfred Faulkner
Austin Ahearn
Ben Holowitz
Callaghan McCarthy
Carlton Schafer
Cesidio Coletti
Charles Gebauer
Charles Walter
Chester Olejniczak
Christo Kapopoulos
Clarence Yount
Clayton Jewell
Craig Harrison
Elden Gillan
Eugene Call
Floyd Esche
Frank Ippolito
Frederick Byers
George Melnyk
Gerard K. Duncan
Harold Adams
Harold Jacobsen
Howard McNabb
John Janton
John Zielinski
Joseph Farren
Joseph Kowalski
Joseph Simsic
Leverett Young
Matthew Zupon
Michael Downey
Milton Goldman
Murray Martin
Paul Hirner
Philip Guercio
Roy Reynolds
Salvatore Immitti
Sidney Auriemma
Thadeus Czelusniak
Theodore Guss
Victor Crabtree
Walter Kwasniewski
William Guether
William Bird
Winfred Mansfield


Recon - Company

Anthony Kasprzak
Arthur Grivois
Boleslaw Korona
Bradley Thomas
Burl Sloan
Domiano Giorlando
Earle Keddy
Elmer Knudson
Floyd Delano
Frank Roman
Frederick Jones
Gerald Marsha
Henry Syswerda
James Longa
John Ezemoli
John Nickerson
Joseph Thivierge
Merle Robinson
Michael DeFebio
Paul Montineri
Raoul Roberts
Richard Rancourt
Russell Littlefield
Salvatore Pellechia
Thomas McCarty
Thomas Ryan
Virginio Calarco
Walter Rosenthal
William J. Francis
William Provencher
William N. Colombo
William T. Ropple




Pioneer Company 643rd TD BN. Camp Shelby, MS.  1942

(Picture: Paul Stevens)




A. Company 643rd TD BN. Camp Shelby, MS.  1942




A. Company 643rd TD BN. Camp San Luis Obispo, CA. 1945




B. Company 643rd TD BN. Camp Shelby, MS.  1942




B. Company 643rd TD BN. Camp San Luis Obispo, CA. 1945





C. Company 643rd TD BN. Camp Shelby, MS.  1942

(Picture: Mike Justin)





C. Company 643rd TD BN. Camp San Luis Obispo, CA. 1945




Recon. Company 643rd TD BN. Camp San Luis Obispo, CA. 1945




HQ. Company 643rd TD BN. Camp Gruber, Oklahoma




Officers of the 643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion (picture taken in Muskogee, Oklahoma, August 1944)

(Picture: Bob Postiglione)


First row: Lt. Gaddis, Lt. Byers, Lt. Pulsipher, Lt. V. Miller, Lt. Orlando, Lt. Sloan, Lt. Stowers, Lt. Larkin, Lt. Sides, Lt. Gaylord, Lt. Fahlgren

Second row: Lt. Watkins, Lt. Hanagan, Lt.Weikel, Lt. Jewell, Lt. Skelton, Capt. Fornwalt, Lt. Postiglione, Capt. Peters, Capt. Ward, Capt. Colt, Lt.Col. Farr, Maj. Gaulke, Wojg Chisamore

Wojg. Littlefield, Lt. Mc Carty, Lt. R. Miller, Lt. Peterson

Third row: Capt. Burgin, Capt. Gerwig







Officers of the 643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Camp San Luis Obispo, 1945

(Picture: Michael Thompson)





643rd TD BN Officers and Wives/Fiancees. Dance and Dinner at Hotel Severs, Camp Gruber, April 1944.


Back row:  ?, Cpt. Kresge, Cpt. Ward, Lt. Schorn, Maj. Gaulke, Maj. Pierce, Mrs. Stenger, Lt. Sloan, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Kresge, Lt. Watkins, Lt. Roddy, Lt. Norton, Cpt. Trumble, CWO Littlefield

Center Row: Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Gaulke, Mrs. Burgin, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Sloan, Miss Morris, Mrs. Baier, Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. Will, Mrs. Postiglione, Mrs. Gerwig,

Mrs. McCarthy, Mrs. Kellogg, Mrs. Roddy, Mrs. Norton, Miss. C. Lowrey, Miss. M. Lowrey, Mrs. Burgin, Cpt. Burgin

Front row: CWO. Stenger, Lt. Conrad, Lt. Miller, Lt. Siegal, Cpt. Moorhead, Lt. Baier, Lt. Will, Miss. Mildred, Cpt. Gerwig, Miss. Lowery and Cpt. Stone


(Picture: Bob Postiglione)






Received picture and document (Click on Picture for Document) from Ronald Pellechia his father was Pvt. Salvatore Pelechia, 643rd TD BN Recon. Company




Photographs received from

"Military Museum of Southern New England"  

(Sam Johnson ,13 July 2009)





643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion Attachments en special dates.



15 December '41 643rd TD BN. Activated and Attached to 43rd infantry Division.
15 February '42 Departed from Camp Blanding, Florida by motor convoy.
17 February '42 Arrived at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.
1 September '42 Attached to IV Corps for adminstration and training.
11 November '42 Attached to  1st HQ-Detachement special troops 3rd Army for administration and training.
11 December '42 Departed from Camp Shelby, Mississippi by train.
13 December '42 Arrived at Camp Hood, Texas. Attached to AUTC Camp Hood, Texas.
10 April '43 Departed from Camp Hood, Texas by train.
12 April '43 Arrived at Camp Ibis, California.
13 April '43 Attached to 5th TD GR.  for training and tactical control, Desert Training Center.
17 April '43 Attached to 8th Motorized Division, Desert Training Center.
1 May '43 Departed from Camp Ibis, California by motor convoy, arrived at Camp Laguna, Arizona.
29 May '43 Attached to 5th TD GR.  for training and tactical control, Desert Training Center.
7 June '43 Attached to 4th HQ and HQ Detachement Special Troops, Desert Training Center.
21 August '43 Attached to 5th TD GR.  for training and tactical control, Desert Training Center.
24 November '43 Departed from Camp Laguna, Arizona by train Left Desert Training Center.
26 November '43 Arrived at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma, Attached to X Corps.
30 December '43 Attached to 11th TD GP.
2 January '44 Departed from Camp Gruber, Oklahoma by motor convoy and train.
3 January '44 Arrived Camp Swift, Texas.
7 January '44 Attached to 3rd Army, XVIII Corps.
11 February '44 Departed from Camp Swift,Texas by motor convoy and train.
12 February '44  Arrived at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma Attached to 11th TD GR.
23 March '44 Attached to 15th TD GR. Camp Gruber, Oklahoma.
16 July '44 Attached to XXXVI Corps.
 24 August '44 Departed from Camp Gruber, Oklahoma by motor convoy and train
26 August '44 Arrived at Fort Myles Standish, Massashusetts.
4 September '44 Departed from Fort Myles Standish, Massashusetts by train arrived at POE Boston Massaschusetts enroute overseas on Ship the "Robin Sherwood"
15 September '44 643rd TD BN Arrived in Cherbourg, France, Occupied bivouac area 2 miles southeast of Valognes. Assigned to Ninth Army.
26 September '44 Relieved from assignment Ninth Army and assigned to European Theater of Operations.
15 November '44 Departed from Valognes, France by motor convoy, Arrived at Jullouville, France.
27 November '44 Less 2 platoons A and Rcn. Co. and HQ Co. Departed Jullouville, France by motor convoy, Arrived Fontainebleau, France Assigned advance section, communications zone, atchd. to HQ, Ground Force Replacement System, further atchd. to 9th Replacement Depot.
8 December '44 Less 2 platoons A and Rcn. Co.and HQ Co. Attached to Det. HQ, 6th Engr. Special Brigade.
11 December '44 Less 2 platoons A and Rcn. Co.and HQ Co. Ground Force Replacement System, further atchd. to 9th Replacement Depot.
19 December '44 Less 2 platoons A. Co. and 2 Rcn. platoons Hq. Co. Departed from Fontainebleau, France by motor convoy. Arrived at Fluery, France.
20 December '44 Less 2 platoons A and Rcn. Co.and HQ Co. Attached to XVIII Corps. Arrived at Manhay, Belgium
23 December '44 2 platoons A and 2 Rcn. platoons and HQ Co. relieved from attachment 6th Engr. Brigade and attached to 156 Infantry Regiment for Operations, Administration and Supply. Arrived at Noiseaux, Belgium.
24 December '44 Less A,B,C, Co. departed from Noiseaux, Belgium. Arrived at Ville St. Gertrude, Belgium.
25 December '44 Less 2 platoons A and Rcn. Co.and HQ Co. attached to VII Corps and further attached to 3rd Armored Division. Departed from Ville St. Gertrude, Belgium by motor convoy. Arrived at Tours, Belgium.
26 December '44 Less C. Co Departed from Tours, Belgium. Arrived at Les Avins, Belgium. A,B, Co. Joined.
31 December '44 Less 2 platoons A Co. and 2 Rcn. platoons HQ Co. attached to First US Army.
2 January '45 Departed from Les Avins, Belgium. Arrived at Paradis, Belgium. All Companies joined, Less 2 platoons A and Rcn. Co.and HQ Co. Attached to XVIII Corps.
3 January '45 Attached to 82nd Airborne Division.
11 January '45

Relieved from 82nd Airborne Division and reverted to XVIII Corps.

Company A, Attached to 106 Infantry Division.

14 January '45 Departed from Paradis, Belgium. by motor convoy, Arrived at Sart, Belgium.
17 January '45 Departed from Sart, Belgium. by motor convoy, Arrived at Andrimont, Belgium.
19 January '45 Company A, Relieved from 106th Infantry Division, 1 gun platoon remained attached to 30th Infantry Division.(relieved 20 January '45).
24 January '45 643rd TD BN Attached to 82nd Airborne Division, less Company B, was attached to 30th Infantry Division.
27 January '45 Departed from Andrimont, Belgium. by motor convoy, Arrived at Malmedy, Belgium.
29 January '45 Company B, relieved from 30th Infantry Division and attached to 82nd Airborne Division.
1 February '45 A,B,C, Co. Still in action, Attached to 82nd Airborne Division. A Co. in battle at Wereth, Belgium. B and C Co. at Medell, Belgium,  Advance CP at Medell, Belgium and Rear CP at Malmedy, Belgium.
2 February '45 Departed from Malmedy, Belgium. by motor convoy, Arrived at Deux-Rys, Belgium. Relieved from 82nd Airborne Division.
3 February '45

643rd TD BN relieved from First US Army and attached to Ninth US Army.

Attached to 83rd Infantry Division Artillery.

6 February '45 Departed from Deux-Rys, Belgium. by motor convoy. Arrived at Neufchateau, Belgium.
7 February '45 Attached to 83rd Infantry Division.
22 February '45 643rd TD BN reorganized from a Towed Battalion to a Self-Propelled Battalion (M18).
26 February '45 Less B,C, Co. Departed from Neufchateau, Belgium. by motor comvoy. Arrived at Alsdorf, Germany.
28 February '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Alsdorf, Germany by motor convoy. Arrived at Hasselsweiler, Germany.
2 March '45 2nd Platoon C. Co. (T) was ambushed near Kapellen, Germany losing most of their equipment and 38 men killed, wounded or missing. (6 KIA - 10 WIA - 22 MIA)
4 March '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Hasselsweile, Germany. by motor convoy. Arrived at Neuss, Germany.
5-20 March '45 A,B, and C, Co. Fired long range interdictory and harrassing fire into Dusseldorf, Germany from Positions in Neuss, Germany
21 March '45 Departed from Neuss, Germany by motor convoy, under artillery fire moved to Gangelt, Germany. (1 KIA - 5 WIA)
26 March '45 Departed from Gangelt, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Anrath, Germany.
29 March '45

Departed From Anrath, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Friedrichsfeld, Germany.

(Crosses Rhine River 22:00)

31 March '45 Less B, Co. Departed from Friedrichfeld, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Haltern, Germany. later that day Arrived at Lüdinghausen, Germany less B,C, Co.
1 April '45 Less C, Co departed from Lüdinghausen, Germany by Motor convoy Arrived at Walstedde, Germany, later that day Arrived at Beckum, Germany.
3 April '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Beckum, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Delbrück, Germany.
4 April '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Delbrück, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Bad Lippspringe, Germany.
5 April '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Bad Lippspringe, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Horn, Germany. later that day arrived at Steinheim, Germany.
7 April '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Steinheim, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Elbrinxen, Germany.
8 April '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Elbrinxen, Germany by Motor Convoy Arrived at Scharfoldendorf, Germany.
10 April '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Scharfoldendorf, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Freden, Germany later that day Arrived at Langelsheim, Germany.
11 April '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Langelsheim, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Heudeber, Germany.
12 April '45

Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from heudeber, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Cochstedt, Germany.

1st platoon Recon. Co. ambushed near Barby, Germany. (5 KIA)

13 April '45 Less A,B,C, Co. Departed from Cochstedt, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Calbe, Germany.
1-4 May '45 A,B,and C, Co. Held defensive positions east of the Elbe river Bridgehead.
6 May Departed from Calbe, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Braunlage, Germany.
8 May '45 Attached to 453AAA BN.
18 May '45 Relieved from 453AAA BN, remains attached to 83rd Infantry Division.
19 May '45 Departed from Braunlage, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Vienenburg, Germany.
27 May '45 Attached to XIX Corps.
28 May '45 Departed from Vienenburg, Germany by motor convoy Arrived at Borsdorf, Germany.
15 June '45 Departed from Borsdorf, Germany by motor convoy. 392 EM&Off. Departed by rail from Bad Nauheim, Germany.
17 June '45 643rd Arrived at Camp Lucky Strike, Le Havre, France.
26 June '45 Relieved from  XIX Corps, Battalion departed for United States from Le Havre on the"Sea Robin", with 36 Officers and 620 Enlisted men.
5 July '45 643rd Arrived at Hampton Roads, Virginia, 36 Off. & 620 EM sent to Separation Centers for 30 days rest, Recuperation and Recovery furloughs.
21 August '45 643rd assembled at Camp San Luis Obispo, California, after 30 days rest, Recuperation and Recovery, 619 EM 36 officers assigned to XXXVI Corps and 104 Infantry Division for training only.
1 September '45 Relieved from 104th Infantry Division.
16 September '45 Relieved from XXXVI Corps and Attached to VII Corps.
17 November '45 643rd Tank Destroyer Battalion Inactivated




The following information has been gathered from appendix II of the BN History, recollections of men of the 643rd, and from copies of

morning reports received from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, MO.







Date KIA

Place KIA


Sidney Auriemma




2 Mar 45


St. Mary's Cemetery

Staten Island,

New York (USA)

Eugene V. Call




2 Mar 45


Henniker Cemetery


Merrimack County, NH  (USA)

Wilson W. Carpenter




12 Apr 45


Margraten (NL)

Michael DeFebio




12 Apr 45


Margraten (NL)

Anthony J. DeFoster




24 Dec 44

Baraque de Fraiture

Henri-Chapelle (B)

Gerald K. Duncan




9 Jan 45


Henri-Chapelle (B)

Alexander J. Gadomski




8 Apr 45


St. Mary's Cemetery

New Bedford

Bristol County, MA (USA)

Charles H. Gebauer




8 Apr 45


Bellevue Cemetery


Berkshire County, MA (USA)

Henry L. Gendron




23 Dec 44


Henri-Chapelle (B)

Joseph A. Giordano




24 Dec 44

Baraque de Fraiture

Henri-Chapelle (B)

Theodore Guss




2 Mar 45


 Beth David Cemetery

Elmond, Long Island

New York (USA)

Paul J. Hirner




28 Feb 45


Margraten (NL)

John J. Janton




2 Mar 45


 Saint Bernard's Cemetery Rockville,

Tolland County, CT (USA)

Lawrence A. Killion




16 Apr 45


Fairview Cemetery

Clearfield County, PA (USA)

Boleslaw Korona




12 Apr 45


Margraten (NL)

Joseph F. Lorenti




25 Dec 44


Saint John Cemetery

Darien, CT (USA)

Robert C. Lucas




2 Apr 45


 Oakland Cemetery

Indiana County, PA (USA)

Charles M. Nini




14 Jan 45


Henri-Chapelle (B)

Roy M. Reynolds




3 Mar 45


Margraten (NL)

William T. Ropple jr.




12 Apr 45


Margraten (NL)

Thomas Ryan




12 Apr 45


Margraten (NL)

Andrew M. Rymer




13 Apr 45


Margraten (NL)

Carlton E. Schafer




9 Jan 45


 Association Cemetery

Sylvania, OH (USA)

Burl L. Sloan   




12 Apr 45


Brandon Cemetery, Buchanan County, IA (USA)

William G. Stowers 




12 Mar 45


Margraten (NL)

Henry A. Syswerda




12 Apr 45


Grandville Cemetery

Grandville, MI (USA)

Leverett L. Young




2 Mar 45


Margraten (NL)

Thomas F. Levangie (Transferred 702nd TD BN) Pvt 11048894 A 24 Aug 44   Normandy (F)




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